Sometimes I feel like I’m in the wrong place…at the wrong
time…Can it be possible?Can God make such a mistake and put someone were it
doesn’t belong?I always felt like this since..ever….at least since I can
remember…since I was 5 or 6 year old.Why do I get the impression that many
things(with a strong influence on my life) have started around that age, before
I was 7?
I feel like I should be living in the past…in a tough place…tough times…in a time and place when
people belived in their instincts …when people had faith….when people lived in
union with the nature….
I wish I could walk without shoes and no one to stare at me
for that…..feel the ground under my feet, feel the rocks, feel the grass…I wish
I could go out and dance in the
rain…feel the raindrops on my skin…I wish I could fall asleep in the woods,
looking at the stars, make a fire….i wish I could pack a small bag and
leave….move from town to town…work today as a waitress, tomorrow as a dancer,
another day as a dish washer….
That’s the kind of freedom I want…..having as few needs as
possible, only what I need to live from a day to another….living just for
Am I asking for too much?Why everyone wants more, and I’m
the only one who needs less?Is that a bad thing?Is that why they judge me?Just because I can do/get more it
doesn’t mean I want it…I want different things then others ….
Sometimes I wish I was a carnie( you know, one of the
carnivale people)….that’s the kind of freedom I want….living under the
sky…having such a big “family” …..I wonder what type I would be…wich one would
be my trick, my thing…probably I would be a dancer….
-.that’s my idea of
happiness, doing what you love to do for a living.
It might sound funny for you, but... I wish I could live in a time
and place where dancers wouldn’t be seen
as whores so I could dance freely....
Who knows….
maybe I can still make my dreams come true…
You never know what future will bring you…
1 comentarii:
Si eu as vrea...
Sa te stiu fericita,impacata cu tine insati,mandra de ceeace ai,de ceeace esti,de toate minunile pe care le poti face utilizandu-ti mintea,imaginatia,harul de a crea...
Trebuie sa existe mereu lucruri pe care le dorim,vise care nu se implinesc niciodata,astfel vei avea cel putin un motiv sa te trezesti si maine-dimineata...
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